Thursday, 13 January 2022

WinHttp Proxy Configuration for Autopilot Hybrid Azure AD Join

In this environment, the present of proxy and VPN will become a very complex situation that had multiple proxies in play. From the diagram below, it is require to whitelist the URL to reach AAD endpoint of and on firewall proxy. And also WinInet and WinHttp proxy to allow the service of device enrolment. 

* Diagram will be useful for the environment that using the same concept.

Windows will have two kind of proxy settings:

1. WinInet proxy, which is the one we configured in windows settings, and it will be applied for browser access. Allow browser to reach an internet connection. 

2. Winhttp proxy, which is the one we configured with netsh winhttp set proxy command, and it will apply to the service/task process. Allow task schedule service to register the computer automatically. 

From the knowledge base that I found, I ran the join using command dsregcmd /status which provide the hint that shows the Error Phase in Discover mode that diagnostics tests are passing but the registration attempt failed with a directory error, which is expected for sync-join.

Run command with netsh winhttp set proxy x.x.x.x:port and monitor the error phase will changed to pre-check.

After a while, device will be hybrid device with the status  per below.

To verify it, launch Task Scheduler and navigate to Task Scheduler Library>Microsoft>Windows>Workplace Join

You may use this solution if your environment:
1. Hybrid Azure AD Join with Auto Enrollment via GPO
2. SCCM Co-Managed enabled
3. Require Proxy to access the corporate resource while connected to corporate network
4. Require VPN with proxy to access the corporate resource while connected to external network

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Auto Enrollment MDM Policy

One of the hybrid Azure AD joined requirement is GPO settings to be configured and assigned to the target OU. Thus, the credential type to use is the important thing to decide. 

What is the different between device credential and user credential?

  • Device Credential is only available for Windows 10, version 1903 or later. And it is only supported for Co-management or Azure Virtual Desktop.
  • User Credential is the normal way for GPO auto MDM enrollment. If you are not doing Co-management or using Azure Virtual Desktop, then we recommend to use User Credential option for GPO configuration.


Actually, when a group policy refresh occurs on the client, a task is created and scheduled to run every 5 minutes for the duration of one day. The task is called " Schedule created by enrollment client for automatically enrolling in MDM from AAD." It will try to enroll the device in Intune, below are the difference for those 2 options:

  • Device Credential, this task will use Device token for auto MDM enrollment, so device will enroll in Intune before user log in, which speed up the enrollment process. And after user log in device, device will be mapped with user and you will see device record together with user info in Intune portal.
  • User Credential, this task will use User token for auto MDM enrollment, so it will require user log in the device to complete the auto MDM enroll process.